About Me
Hello! I truly appreciate you taking the time to check out this page so you can get to know me a little bit.
First of all, I’m Jonathan Brewer. I’ve lived here in Elizabethton, TN all my life as were my parents up until a few years ago. My dad Don died of complications with cancer and my mother Joyce decided she wanted to move a bit further south and moved near some family in South Carolina. Quite the surprise move. She likes it there and I’m amazed that only 4 hours away or so is 5-10 degrees warmer all the time seems like.
I like to travel, reclining on couch watching tv or surfing the web and summertime and the great outdoors. I also like new experiences of all kinds and sitting by the fireplace watching the firelight flicker warming my bones in the winter. I can do without the cold though. Well maybe a few days are ok just to be festive. A little snow and the fireplace.
I graduated Elizabethton High School in 1987. Took some time off after high school and was in and out of college for a while at ETSU. I tried to enjoy life some. I spent all the time I could at Watauga lake for a few years.
Later on I went back to college at Tusculum and completed my bachelors in Organizational Management. Now I’m in the financial, real estate and insurance markets.
Let’s get you covered for the future or at least make sure you currently have a good policy…preferably at least SOME permanent coverage.